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Chapter 5: Sections 1-3

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Web Lecture

Forces Resulting in Circular Motion


If two equal moving bodies traverse unequal circumferences in equal times, the centrifugal force in the greater circumference will be to that in the smaller as these circumferences, or their diameters, are to each other.

— Christiaan Huygens, On Centrifugual Force


We've looked at straight line motion, so now we take a look at things that look in perfect circles. In the real world, objects move in neither perfectly straight lines or perfect circles or with constant acceleration, because such motion requires a completely isolated system on which no outside forces are working. Nevertheless, our investigations into these simplified situations will help us understand the more complicated real ones.

Circular Motion

Since the beginning of the term, we have looked at acceleration along the vector direction or opposite to it (deceleration). Acceleration along the velocity vector affects only the magnitude of the velocity (speeding up and slowing down), not its direction. But changes in either velocity or direction are both considered acceleration.

Now we look at what happens when a force acts on a moving body at some angle to that body's motion. This chapter considers first changes in direction which do not affect the speed of an object--uniform circular motion. We can create situations where this occurs by spinning objects, like a ferris wheel, or a merry-go-round, or a centrifuge, at a constant rate. More significantly, such accelerations arise from the mutual attraction of masses on one another, such as the earth on the moon, or the sun on the planets. They also occur when charged particles move in an electrical or magnetic field, a subject we study in detail later in this course.

Gravity and electromagnetic forces are two of the four natural forces; classical physics deals with the resulting motions of objects affected by these forces, so long as the speeds are much below the speed of light. Relativity deals with these forces at speeds approaching that of light, and nuclear physics and quantum mechanics deal with the other two forces--the weak and strong nuclear force. One of Einstein's greatest efforts went into trying to understand if these forces are actually different manifestations of the same universal force which could be explained by a grand Unified Field Theory. While some current research in cosmology indicates the possibility of relationships between the nuclear forces, no one has yet been able to explain all four forces with a single theory.

Uniform Circular Motion

In the special case where a force acts with constant acceleration toward a fixed point on an object already in motion, the object moves in a circle around the point. In the absence of the acceleration, the object would continue in a straight line; it is the force which "bends" the velocity, giving the object an component toward the center while not affecting its tangential velocity.

Study the standard circular motion diagram below (similar to 5.2 in the text).

circular velocity

Since both triangles are isosceles triangles with equal angles, they are proportional. The actual distance traveled by a body on the circle is the arc (between the start of v and the start of v'); the approximation from the triangle is the chord δl. As we consider points closer and closer to each other on the circle, δv and δl both become very small; and δl approximates more closely the actual distance traveled. From similar triangles, δv/v ~ δl/r; at the limit where φ goes to zero, the two quantities are equal.

We can then rearrange δv/v = δl/r to δv = (v/r) * δl.

Acceleration is δv/δt, so if we substitute these values in, we have

aR = δv/δt = (v/r) * δl/δt.

But, as we have already noticed, at the limit δl is the actual distance traveled along the arc, so δl/δt is actually just v.

aR = (v/r) * δl/δt = (v/r) * v = v2/r

The ramifications of this relationship are rather interesting. Increasing the velocity means that we have to increase the acceleration (by increasing the force) in order to keep the object in a circle with a constant radius....or, if we can't increase the force, the circle with automatically increase in size.

Or, to put it another way, if we increase the size of the circle without changing the velocity, accleration will decrease--because the velocity vector is not changing direction as fast as it was when the circumference of the circle was tighter.

Notice that in uniform circular motion, the velocity and acceleration are always at right angles to one another. Acceleration has no component along the direction (either positive or negative) of the velocity vector, so the magnitude of the velocity does not change, only its direction.

The circumference of the circle is 2 * π *r. If the period to complete one revolution around the circle is time T, then the velocity (constant magnitude) is distance/time = 2*π*r/T.

Using Angular Variables

Obviously, φ and the distance along the chord are related. If we use radians (one radian is an arc whose length equals the radius r of the circle), then φ = l/r. This allows us to equate the angle to the length along a circle of radius r for that angle.

A radian can be related to a circle in degrees by the relationship 360° = 2 * π * rad. Then rad = 360°/2*π ~ 57.3°.

We can also express velocity in radians: δφ/δt = angular velocity (usually expressed with the Greek symbol omega ω). Angular acceleration is then the change in angular velocity per unit time: δω/δt = α = aR.

Check out the series of interactive animations on circular motion at the PhysClips website. These include:

  • Rotation and revolution: circular motion involves acceleration
  • Constant linear velocity magnitude vs. changing direction
  • Applications (cars on hills)

If you think you need more review of how radian measurement and degree measurement of angles are related, take a look at the Radian Measurement page.

Circular Dynamics

Assume that we want to keep a body moving with the same speed but in a circle of fixed radius. What force is necessary?

Well, we have accleration = v2/r, so if F = ma, then Fc = mac = m v2/r. We can now use this in our free-body diagrams to analyze situations involving circular motion, such as cars accelerating around a corner, or weights on a string (see the lab).

Use the Physics Classroom simulation of uniform circular motion to simulate circular motion under constant acceleration toward the center. Set the displays for velocity and acceleration vectors. Observe the change in the velocity vector and acceleration vectors as the mass moves in a circle. How does the amount of acceleration change as you change the mass, radius, and linear velocity of the mass? [The simulation requires the Shockwave plugin for your browser.]

Practice with the Concepts

At what speed must a 2km diameter cylinder rotate to create a false gravity equalt to earth's?

Discussion Points