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Chapter 8:4-6 Assignment

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Physics 8: 4-6 Rotational Dynamics


Reading Preparation

Text Reading: Giancoli, Physics - Principles with Applications, Chapter 8: 4-6

Study Points

Key Equations

(from chapter 2)
F = ma τ = Iα

Web Lecture

Read the following weblecture before chat: Inertia, Acceleration, and Force

Study Activity

Use the physics simulation at the oPhysics site to experiment with objects rolling and sliding down an inclined plane.

Chat Preparation Activities

Chapter Quiz

Lab Work

If you want lab credit for this course, you must complete at least 18 labs; you may complete more if you are preparing for the AP exam.. One or more lab exercises are posted for each chapter as part of the homework assignment. We will be reviewing lab work at regular intervals, so do not get behind!