Week 7
Please read:
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales:
- The Wife of Bath's Prologue, pp. 122-130.
- The Wife of Bath's Tale, pp. 130-135.
"A Fifteenth-Century Valentine", p. 136.
Thomas Malory, introduction, p. 138, and selection from Morte Darthur, pp. 139-144.
You can get the full text of the Morte Darthur in a variety of published editions, if you want to read more of it; it is also available in FTP for downloading from several locations online. Unfortunately they keep shifting around, so you'll have to hunt them up on your own, but it should not be a major problem to find them.
Anon., sel. from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, pp. 149-154.
The Changing English Language, p. 146-147.
Consider as you read, and from last week’s reading:
- What do you make of the Pardoner and his tale? Does his open admission of his fraudulent ways make you like him more? Less?
- Which characters is Chaucer depicting at each stage of the game? He may be talking about one, but might he also be showing you something about others?
The Luminarium site offers links to the full text of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight both in Middle English and Modern English translation.
You may also wish to look at the biographical links at the Luminarium site for:
Please take the unit review quiz for Unit II.
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