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2024-2025 Course Syllabus

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Course Syllabus for Physics

Pshysics Syllabus: Homework, Reading Assignments, Discussion Topics, and Labs

Use the Links in the Homework column to find your textbook reading, study activity, and lab assignments. Check the Moodle for problems due for Monday and Wednesday chat session discussions. Homework is due on the date given, unless otherwise stated in the assignment.

1Sep 3, 2024IntroductionLab Work Overview
2Sep 5, 2024HW011: 1-8Basic Methods of ObservationEqual Arm Balance/Density
4Sep 10, 2024HW02A2: 1-5Motion in One DimensionFalling Bodies 1
4Sep 12, 2024HW02B2: 6-8Constant AccelerationFalling Bodies 2
5Sep 17, 2024HW03A3: 1-4Vectors
6Sep 19, 2024HW03B3: 5-8Motion in Two DimensionsProjectiles Challenge
7Sep 24, 2024HW04A4: 1-4Forces: Newton's 1st and 2nd LawsForce Vectors: Force Table
8Sep 26, 2024HW04B4: 5-7Forces: Newton's Third LawIntertial vs. Gravitational Mass
9Oct 1, 2024HW04C4: 8Forces: applicationsForce Vectors: Inclined Planes #1 (Frictionless)
10Oct 3, 2024HW05A5: 1-3Uniform Circular Motion; GravityCentripetal Force
11Oct 8, 2024HW05B5: 4-7Gravitation and WeightlessnessPendulum 1
12Oct 10, 2024HW05C5: 8-10Kepler's lawsPendulum 2
13Oct 15, 2024HW06A6: 1-4Work and EnergyInclined Planes and Friction
14Oct 17, 2024HW06B6: 5-7Conservation and Non-Conservative ForcesSpring Constant
15Oct 22, 2024HW06C6: 8-10Conservation of EnergyAtwook's machine
16Oct 24, 2024HW07A7: 1-4MomentumCollision Kinematics 1
17Oct 29, 2024HW07B7: 5-10Elastic and Inelastic CollisionsCollision Kinematics 2
18Oct 31, 2024HW08A8: 1-3Angular Motion and accelerationTorsion Pendulum 1
19Nov 5, 2024HW08B8: 4-6Rotational DynamicsTorsion Pendulum 2
20Nov 7, 2024HW08C8: 7-9Rotational Kinetic energyRolling bodies (Galileo exp)
21Nov 12, 2024HW09A9: 1-4Static EquilibriumEquilibrium
22Nov 14, 2024HW09B9: 5-7Elasticity, Stress, and StrainStructural Integrity
23Nov 19, 2024HW10A10: 1-7Fluid DynamicsBuoyancy
24Nov 21, 2024HW10B10: 8-14Buoyancy and ViscosityBernoulli's Principle
25Nov 26, 2024Exam Review
26Nov 28, 2024ThanksgivingNo Class
27Dec 3, 2024Exam Review
28Dec 5, 2024HW11A11: 1-6Simple Harmonic MotionSpring Oscillation
29Dec 10, 2024HW11B11: 7-16Wave MotionStanding Waves
30Dec 12, 2024HW12A12: 1-9SoundSpeed of Sound
31Dec 17, 2024HW13A13: 1-5Thermal EquilibriumThermal Expansion
32Dec 19, 2024HW13B13: 6-13Ideal Gas LawGas Volumes
Dec 24, 2024ChristmasNo Class
Dec 26, 2024ChristmasNo Class
Dec 31, 2024New YearNo Class
Jan 2, 2025New YearNo Class
33Jan 7, 2025HW14A14: 1-4Specific HeatSpecific Heat
34Jan 9, 2025HW14B14: 5-8Heat TransferCalorimetry
35Jan 14, 2025HW15A15: 1-4Laws of ThermodynamicsAdiabatic Changes
36Jan 16, 2025HW15B15: 5-6Heat Engines and WorkJoule's Experiment
37Jan 21, 2025HW15C15: 7-12EntropyStatistical Implications
38Jan 23, 2025REVIEW
39Jan 28, 2025HW16A16: 1-6Electrical ChargeElectric Force
40Jan 30, 2025HW16B16: 7-12The Electric FieldElectroscope
41Feb 4, 2025HW17A17: 1-6Electric PotentialSimple Circuit 1: Series Circuits
42Feb 6, 2025HW17B17: 7-11Electrical Capacitance and EnergySimple Circuit 2: Parallel Circuits
43Feb 11, 2025HW18A18: 1-6Electrical Power and Direct Current
44Feb 13, 2025HW18B18: 7-10Alternating CurrentSimple Circuit 3: Kirchhoff's Rules/Electric Circuit 2
45Feb 18, 2025HW19A19: 1-4DC Circuits and EMFsInternal Resistance
46Feb 20, 2025HW19B19: 5-8RC CircuitsCircuits with Capacitors
47Feb 25, 2025HW20A20: 1-4Magnetic FieldsMap a Magnetic Field
48Feb 27, 2025HW20B20: 5-12Ampere's Law
49Mar 4, 2025HW21A21: 1-5InductionElectric Motor
50Mar 6, 2025HW21B21: 8-15Transformers and LRC Circuits
51Mar 11, 2025HW22A22: 1-7Electromagnetic Waves
52Mar 13, 2025HW23A23: 1-5Light and ReflectionSpeed of Light
53Mar 18, 2025HW23B23: 6-10Lenses and RefractionReflection
54Mar 20, 2025HW24A24: 1-5Light: Waves and ParticlesRefraction
55Mar 25, 2025HW24B24: 6-12Diffraction and PolarizationYoung's Experiment
56Mar 27, 2025HW25A25: 1-6Optical Instruments: MagnificationThin Film Interference
57Apr 1, 2025HW25B25: 7-12Optical Instruments: ResolutionTelescope
58Apr 3, 2025HW26A26: 1-5Special RelativityGPS Relativity
59Apr 8, 2025HW26B26: 6-11Mass and Energy
60Apr 10, 2025HW27A27: 1-6Early Quantum MechanicsCHALLENGE LAB: Black Body radiation
Apr 15, 2025Holy WeekNo Class
Apr 17, 2025Holy WeekNo Class
61Apr 22, 2025HW27B27: 7-13Wave-Partical DualitySpectrometry
62Apr 24, 2025HW28A28: 1-6Quantum Mechanics
63Apr 29, 2025HW28B28: 7-12Quantum NumbersDemonstration Lab: Photoelectric effect
64May 1, 2025HW29A29: AllMolecules and SolidsWave Nature of Light
65May 6, 2025HW30A30: 1-7Radioactivity
66May 8, 2025HW30B30: 8-13Decay and half-livesCHALLENGE LAB: Geiger Counter
67May 13, 2025HW31A31: 1-4Nuclear Fission and FusionCHALLENGE LAB: Hadron Collider Data
68May 15, 2025HW31B31: 5-9Practical uses for RadiationCHALLENGE LAB: Cloud Chamber
69May 20, 2025HW32A32: 1-7Elementary Particles
70May 22, 2025HW32B32: 8-12Strange Particles and Quarks
71May 27, 2025HW33A33: 1-10Astrophysics
72May 29, 2025REVIEW