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Natural Science - Year II

Unit 55: Rutherford and Atomic Structure

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Homework for Unit 55

This Unit's Homework Page History Lecture Science Lecture Lab Parents' Notes

Homework for Unit 55: Electron Structure

Reading due before our discussion:

History Web Lecture: The Quest for Atomic Bonding Rules

Science Web Lecture: Electron Orbits

Chat Preparation Essay

Log into the Moodle, click on the Natural Science II course link, and then on the forum link in session 23, Unit 55. Post your definition to the forum. Read any other posted definitions.

For the 300 years prior to Max Planck's explanation of quantum mechanics, physics was dominated by a view of the universe that was mechanistic and deterministic. How does quantum mechanics changed this view?

Mastery Exercise

Log into the Moodle (if you are challenged, use your own Scholars Online userid and password), click on the master exercise for the unit, and attempt the mastery exercise at least once before chat. Bring any questions you have to chat. Then return and attempt the exercise as many times as necessary to achieve an 85% or better score.

Lab Exercise

Lab Instructions: NO LAB for this Unit

Labs are within two weeks of the discussion section; the extra time should allow you to find equipment or materials. Post your lab results to the class Lab forum, in the appropriate thread.

Unit Quiz

Take the quiz for this unit. Notice the times the quiz opens and when it closes and be sure that you complete it on time! [Remember that you must first complete the Mastery Exercise with a score of 85% or better in order to take the quiz.]