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Natural Science - Year II

Review Unit 1: Fall Semester

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Homework Assignment for Review Unit 1

This Unit's Homework Page History Lecture Science Lecture Lab Parents' Notes

Homework for First Semester Review: Natural Science Year II

Reading due before our discussion:

History Web Lecture: Studying Historical Information

Science Web Lecture: Studying Scientific Concepts

Laboratory Issues: Scientific Methods of Observation


Chat Preparation Essay

Log into the Moodle, click on the Natural Science II course link, and then on the forum link in session 16, Unit 49. Post your definition to the forum. Read any other posted definitions.

Write two history questions you would like to see on the exam. Try to ask something that will invite you to explain how some major topic of science or nature was addressed by the scientists we covered by this semester (see the list in the History Web Lecture).

Write two science questions you would like to see on the exam. Try to ask something that will invite you to explain one or more of the areas of science we discussed this fall (see the list in the Science Web Lecture).

Mastery Exercise

Complete any mastery Exercises where you have not achieved a passing (85%) score. Repeat any Mastery Exercises for Units where you need the review! Remember, high score counts, so use the Mastery Exercises as a way to identify any area where you still do not control the material. If you get a lower score now, it won't count against you, but it will help you identify areas you need to study for the exam.

Lab Exercise

There is no lab for this unit.

Unit Quiz

There is no quiz for this unit. Complete any missing quizzes during the Grace period.