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Natural Science - Year II

Chat times for 2024-2025
11:00-12:30p ET/8:00a-9:30a PT

Dr. Christe Ann McMenomy

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Laboratory Requirements and Equipment

Lab Expectations for the Natural Science Year II course

Labs are not required for completion of the course itself; you may do as many or as few as you like. However, you must complete 18 lab assignments to receive lab credit for the course. This credit is primarily useful when applying to those colleges which recommend at least one year of lab science for admission. All labs for credit must be completed by the close of the term unless special arrangements are made.

Many lab assignments will be available from the web site at the start of the session; several will be added through the course of the year. Most labs will be associated with specific topics, and you are encouraged to complete the lab and send in the report during the assignment period. If necessary, you may make arrangements to complete the labs out of sequence if you have trouble obtaining equipment.

For safety reasons, both you and your parents must read the safety procedures before starting the lab sequence. Your parents must sign and send a copy of the lab permission letter to me before I can accept any lab reports from you for credit.

Lab Equipment

Most lab activities for this course are demonstrations which do not require extensive measurements but rather careful, direct observation. I have tried to design enough activities which depend only common household materials that any student can complete the lab requirement without purchasing specialized equipment. At least ten labs are based on computer simulations available on the web, and require no further student equipment.

The following list is by no means complete, but you may find it useful to have these available, as they are used in many labs. Be sure to check lab instructions on cleanup or sterilization before using kitchen equipment (such as measuring cups) for any experiments.

Common materials, equipment, or support used on multiple labs:

Less common and more expensive, but useful to acquire if you plan to do experiments over several science courses are the following dedicated science science supplies. If you decide to do certain optional experiments, you will need some of these:

Equipment and Materials Sources for Science Labs

Lab equipment may be borrowed from schools or purchased. Sometimes local college bookstores or medical schools carry microscopes and dissection equipment. Science supplies are often available from educational toy stores and science museums. You may also want to check my growing list of mail order suppliers.