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Natural Science - Year I

Unit 27: Brahe, Kepler, and Elliptical Orbits

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Homework Assignment for Unit 27

This Unit's Homework Page History Lecture Science Lecture Lab Parents' Notes

Homework for Unit 27: Brahe, Kepler, and Early Followers of Copernicus

Reading due before our discussion:

History Web Lecture: Brahe, Kepler and the Early Followers of Copernicus

Science Web Lecture: Kepler's Laws


Chat Preparation Essay

Your assignment is the Planet Report described in Unit 26: Please have it posted by the start of our chat session on this unit (Kepler -- Unit 27). As a reminder, you should include the following in your report:


  • Is it a Jovian or terrestrial planet?
  • Describe its relative size, distance from the sun, length of solar year, length of solar day (rotation on its axis), tilt of axis with respect to the plane of its revolution.
  • What is its atmosphere made of (if any)? How does the atmosphere affect the planet's surface temperature?
  • Does the planet have water or evidence of water in the past? Why would this be of interest to earth explorers?
  • Is the planet "active" -- does it have volcanoes or planetary quakes?
  • What are its interesting surface features?
  • What is its core structure? How do we determine this structure? How does it influence the planet's affects on nearby space?
  • Does it have moons?
  • What are the past and current efforts to explore this planet?
  • Add any other information that you find about the planet that you think is interesting


Instead of uploading a worksheet, you'll enter your answers into a Moodle Exercise. It looks like a quiz, but it is different in several ways:

Lab Exercise

Lab Instructions: Galileo's Observations of Venus and Jupiter.

Unit Quiz

Take the quiz for this unit. Notice the times the quiz opens and when it closes and be sure that you complete it on time!