Homework Assignment for Unit 2
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History Web Lecture: What is scientific observation?
Science Web Lecture: Observing the weather: Motions in the Atmosphere
Post your essay answer to the questions below to the Moodle Unit 2 Forum before chat. Log into the Moodle (if you are challenged, use your own Scholars Online userid and password), click on the Natural Science course link, and then on the forum link in session 2, Unit 2 ("Dark-sucker"). Read the forum posts of your fellow students.
Many years ago, in the early days of the internet -- before the Web -- a joke circulated that light bulbs did not really emit light, but in fact, sucked in darkness. As evidence, the joke cited that
- There was less dark near a light bulb (or "dark sucker") than further from the light bulb.
- Candlewicks turn dark as the candle sucks in darkness. Objects near a candle flame also turn dark since they block the flow of darkness into the flame.
- Flashlights store darkness in their batteries. Over time, the battery becomes full of darkness, and the flashlight loses its capacity to suck in more darkness, and fails.
- Darkness flowing into the light bulb or flame creates friction with the interface, generating large amounts of heat.
- Darkness is heavier than light, as evidenced by the fact that as you go deeper in a pool of water, the light fades and darkness increases.
Design one or more experiments to determine whether the hypothesis that a light bulb is a "dark sucker" as described. Try to address as many of the above claims as possible. Be sure that each experiment includes controls and limits the number of variables in each situation so that you can be reasonably sure variations you measure are the result of identified factors. Identify the equipment you need, the procedure you would follow, the measurements you would make, the data you would collect, and what data values would prove or disprove your theory.
Log into the Moodle (if you are challenged, use your own Scholars Online userid and password), click on the mastery exercise for the unit, and attempt the mastery exercise at least once before chat. Bring any questions you have to chat. Then return and attempt the exercise as many times as necessary to achieve an 85% or better score.
Lab Instructions: Weather Watch I
Labs are within two weeks of the discussion section; the extra time should allow you to find equipment or materials. Post your lab results to the class Lab forum, in the appropriate thread.
Take the quiz for this unit. Notice the times the quiz opens and when it closes and be sure that you complete it on time!
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