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Biology Homework Chapter 38: Conservation Biology


Reading Preparation

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 38: Conservation Biology, 1-12

Study Points

Web Lecture

Read the following weblecture before chat: Conservation Biology

Take notes on any questions you have, and be prepared to discuss the lecture in chat.

Study Activity

Perform the study activity below:

Use the Virtual Urchin at the University of Washington to study how CO2 increases in the atmosphere has promoted Our Acidifying Ocean.

  • How have CO2 levels changed in the atmosphere since 1960? Is this change significant? Why?
  • Compare the acidity of different household substances. Which are the most acidic? Which are more basic?
  • Has the ocean pH level changed during the last 20 million years? By how much?
  • How does CO2 affect substances in the ocean, such as levels of carbonic acid, bicarbonate, and calcium. How do changes in the concentrations of these compounds affect marine organisms?
  • Explore how different carbon levels will increase or decrease compounds needed for coral reef survival. Then look at other marine organisms that use or ignore calcium compounds.

Chat Preparation Activities

Chapter Quiz

Lab Work

Read through the lab for this week; bring questions to chat on any aspect of the lab, whether you intend not perform it or not. If you decide to perform the lab, be sure to submit your report by the posted due date.